www.TellPortillos.smg.com -Take Portillo’s Survey

portillo's survey

If you are craving Portillo’s and want a great discount on your order, grab your latest Portillos receipt and get ready for Tell Portillo’s guest feedback survey!

Portillo is a chain of fast food restaurants specializing in Chicago-style cuisine. With more than 65 restaurants across the United States, Portillo’s is the go-to place if you want delicious Hot Dogs, Italian Beef, Salads, Burgers, etc.

To keep their customers happy and improve their services, Portillo has introduced its Portillo’s Guest Satisfaction Survey at www.tellportillos.smg.com. On top of this, they are also giving free discount coupons to the survey takers.

So, if you are interested in getting the free discount coupon code, you must know how to take the Tell portillos survey. In this article, I will give you a simple guide for the same; it also includes all the rules and regulations for the survey and its requirements.

Let’s get started!

www.Tellportillos.smg.com Portillo’s Survey Highlights 

The below-given table will give you an overview of the Portillos Survey – 

Name of the SurveyPortillo Guest Satisfaction Survey
Age Limit16 years and above
Limitation of Entryone person per receipt/bill
Languages KnownEnglish or Spanish
RewardDiscount Coupon

TellPortillos Survey Rules & Requirements

You should know all the rules and requirements of the Tellportillo survey so that your entry is considered valid and you do not miss out on your coupon code. 

I have written in brief all the rules and requirements for this survey. Make sure you go through them thoroughly. 

Your entry will be considered invalid if you miss any requirement or do not follow the declared rules. 

Tellportillos.smg.com Survey Requirements

Following are all the requirements for the Portillo survey –

  1. You require a device such as a Mobile, PC, or Tablet to take the survey.
  2. It would be best to have a stable internet connection on your device.
  3. You should have the latest purchase receipt of Portillo’s with the unique 20-digit survey code printed on it. 
  4. You must understand English or Spanish (elementary level).

Portillos Customer Review Survey Rules

  1. Participants must be 16 years or above in age to take the survey.
  2. The participant must be a legal resident of the United States.
  3. Participants who received the discount coupon code are not permitted to encash it.
  4. Portillo’s employee and their direct family members are not allowed to participate in this survey.
  5. The purchase receipt is valid only for 4 days after the purchase. 
  6. After taking the receipt survey, the coupon code you receive is only valid for 3 months

How to take Portillo’s Survey  at www.Tellportillos.smg.com ? – Steps

Follow the steps given below to take Portillo’s customer satisfaction survey –

Step: 1 Visit the Portillo’s guest Satisfaction survey website at https://tellportillos.smg.com 

Portillo's Survey page
Portillo’s Survey page

Step: 2 Select your language preference from the bottom right corner.

Step: 3 Enter the 20-digit code printed at the bottom of your receipt. Once done, click on Start.

Step: 4 Next, You will be asked to answer some feedback questions. Answer the questions truthfully regarding your visit to Portillo’s. Keep clicking on next as you answer the questions.

Step:5 Once you enter the answers to all the questions, you will be asked to select your age group from the drop down. Once done, click on Submit.

Amazing! You have completed the process of taking the TellPortillo Survey. Once you click submit, you will receive a 7-character validation code consisting of numbers and letters. You may write it down on your receipt, so you don’t lose it.

You can use the validation code to redeem the offer printed on your receipt by visiting the store or enter the code online while making a purchase. Usually, you are offered free Large Fries, but the offers might differ according to the store policies.  

Portillo’s Online Survey : Contact Detail

Please get in touch with the Customer Support Executive at Portillo’s to get assistance if you face any issues while taking the portillos survey. 

Below given are the details of the Customer Support Office of Portillo’s –

  • Portillos Contact Number – 1 (630) 581-0770
  • Working Days: Monday to Friday
  • Timings: 8:30 am to 5:00 pm
  • Customer Support Website – www.portillos.com/contactus

Portillos Survey | FAQs 

How Can I Get A Free Cake At Portillo’s?

If you join Portillos Birthday Club, you will be eligible to get a free cake on your birthday if you visit Portillos that day. You can join the birthday club by visiting their website www.portillos.com.

How To Get Free Large Fries At Portillo’s?

If you wish to get free fries at Portillo’s, you need a receipt of your previous purchase at the restaurant. You can take the TellPortillos Survey by entering to the 20-digit code on their survey website and receive a coupon code after completion of the survey. You can redeem this validation code at Portillo’s restaurants or on their website.

Why Can’t I Take Portillo’s Survey?

Make sure you have a stable internet connection on your device. Try turning aeroplane mode on and off. If this doesn’t work, the website server might be down; wait for some time. If neither of these tricks work, try calling Portillo’s Customer Support for help. 

Read Also : Kohl’s Feedback Servey at -www.kohlsfeedback.com – Win 10% Off Discount Coupon

Wrapping Up

Great! You are now a pro at taking Portillo’s Survey at www.TellPortillos.smg.com . Follow all the terms and conditions and fulfil all the requirements before starting the survey. Contact the support representative at Portillo’s if you are not able to submit your survey entry. 

Ok then, Happy Munching!

Janvi Patel