TechGreedy is now accepting high quality guest posts that are subject to manual approval and content quality check. Our team will asses each content manually and publish only those articles meets our guidelines.

To increase your odds for approval, make sure you follow the below guidelines while preparing content for TechGreedy –

  1. We accept only posts that are 800+ words long.
  2. Content must be 100% unique and copyscape passed.
  3. Grammatical mistakes are not acceptable.
  4. Keep the paras shorts.
  5. Content must be well formatted using bullets, headings, sub-headings, images.
  6. Content must be written by human writers. AI generated content will be subject to rejection.
  7. Make sure you add one or two links to high authority websites.
  8. All links and content must be relevant to technology niche.
  9. We don’t accept promotional content. It should be informational

Note: We don’t accept links or content related to casino, adults, porn, or any other sensitive categories.

List of Topics We Accept

  • Internet of Things (IoT), Machine learning, Artificial Intelligence
  • Cybersecurity, Blockchain, Cryptocurrency
  • Scanners and Projectors, Routers, Security, Servers
  • Big Data, Cloud Computing, DevOps
  • Trends, Guides, Tips, Technology Strategies, Tactics, Tricks
  • Software and Social Networking
  • e-book Readers, Headphones & Speakers
  • Business Intelligence, Data Analytics
  • Smart Home Automation, Security Systems, Robotic Process Automation (RPA)
  • Augmented Reality (AR), Virtual Reality (VR)
  • Tablets, Mobile & Product Reviews, Cameras
  • Gaming, Desktop, Printers, HD TVs, and Monitors
  • Health and Fitness, Wearable Tech
  • Digital Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, SEO tools
  • Mobile and Retail Marketing studies
  • Search Engine Marketing, Social media marketing, Online Marketing & Affiliate Marketing
  • blog marketing, Blogging tips, blogging tools and link building
  • Online businesses, Making money online tips & ideas
  • WordPress updates, plugins and themes
  • Website designing, development, Website promotion & SEO Ranking
  • Web Technologies like Javascript, HTML, jQuery & ReactJS etc.
  • Android Apps, iPhone, iPad
  • Mobile App Development
  • Hybrid Apps, Native Apps, Web Apps
  • App Development Companies
  • Mobile Reviews
  • App Reviews
  • Mobiles, Cameras & Tablets reviews
  • Digital Product Reviews
  • Gaming, HDTVs, Desktop, Printers and Monitors

Why Should You Guest Post on Our Website?

Guest post contribution on our website will help us both, we will get quality content from industry experts and you will get chance to reach more potential audience browsing around our website.

TechGreedy has a growing audience from all around the world which could possible convert into a lead or customer for you through the content contribution on our website.

Do you have your content ready to publish on Send it at now.