White Castle Survey at www.whitecastle.com/survey – Get 2 Free Single Sliders


The White Castle Guest Satisfaction Survey, available at www.whitecastle.com/survey, is an online questionnaire designed by White Castle restaurants to assess your satisfaction with their products and services.

White Castel is a family-owned chain of fast food restaurants running since 1921. They specialise in square-shaped hamburgers, also called sliders which are famous for being sold by the sack. White Castel has been serving their loyal cravers for almost 100 years now.

To maintain customer loyalty, get to know them better and improve the delivery of their services, the restaurant has introduced the White Castle Customer Satisfaction Survey for its customers. This survey is available on https://survey.whitecastle.com.

The best part is that participants get a validation code for 2 free single sliders to redeem at White Castel restaurant after completing the survey. But if you wish to grab the prize, you must know how to take this survey.

In this article, I will guide how to take the White Castel Guest Survey online. This guide includes easy steps, all the rules and requirements and rewards you’ll get after taking this survey. 

Let’s get Started!

www.whitecastle.com/survey – White Castel Survey Highlights 

The following table will give you an overview of the White Castel Customer Feedback survey –

Name of the SurveyWhite Castel Customer Satisfaction Survey
Grand PrizeWin Gift Coupon Code for 2 Single Sliders  
Limitation of EntryOne person per code per visit
Receipt Validity7 Days
Coupon Code Validity3 Weeks
Required LanguagesEnglish or Spanish
Age Limit18 years or above

White Castel Survey Rewards

If you are wondering, “What will I get after taking the White Castel Survey?” Here’s your answer- 

To motivate survey takers to take the White Castel Survey, The restaurant makes customers eligible to receive a coupon code after taking the White Castel guest feedback survey. This validation code will help you redeem 2 White Castel single sliders without even paying for them. 

Remember that you can only get 2 single sliders per survey code, not more than that. Also, only one person is allowed to redeem the unique survey code. 

White Castel Survey Rules & Requirements

You should know all the rules and requirements declared by the White Castel survey holders. If you fail to fulfil the requirements of the survey or miss to follow any rule, your entry will not be considered valid by the board. So make sure you go through below given rules and regulations thoroughly. 

Rules of White Castel Customer Support Survey

Below given are the rules every White Castel Customer Survey taker must strictly follow – 

  1. White Castle’s employees and immediate family are not allowed to participate in the survey.
  2. The survey taker must be 18 years old or above.
  3. The customer must take the survey within 7 days of getting the receipt. 
  4. The validation code is valid only for 3 weeks.
  5. The survey taker must be a legal resident of the United States.
  6. Per receipt, only one person is allowed to redeem one survey code.
  7. The survey takers are not allowed to encash the gift coupon.

Requirements for White Castel Guest Feedback Survey

Following are the requirements of the White Castel guest feedback survey –

  1. The customer must have the survey code printed on White Castle’s latest purchase receipt.
  2. Customers must have a Mobile, Laptop or Tablet to take the survey.
  3. The device must have stable internet connection.
  4. Customers must understand elementary-level English or Spanish language to take this survey. 

How to take the White Castel Survey at www.whitecastle.com/survey ? – Steps

Please refer to the steps given below if you are interested in taking the White Castel Customer Feedback Survey –

Step:1 Visit the official White Castel survey website https://survey.whitecastle.com.

White Castel Survey step 1
White Castel Survey step 1

Step:2 On the landing page, you would be greeted with ‘Hello and thanks for craving White Castel!’ There, you would be required to choose your language preference. Do the needful and click on the arrow pointing towards the right

Step:3 To begin the survey, enter the 6-digit survey code printed on your latest White Castel receipt and click on the right arrow icon.

Step:4 You would be required to enter your White Castel visit details such as Sale #, Team Member #, Time of your visit, etc. Once you are done, click on the right arrow.

White Castel Survey receipt information
White Castel Survey receipt information

Step:5 After that, please answer all the survey-related questions honestly and keep clicking on the right arrow as you go on with your answers. 

Step:6 Last step would be entering your Email address and Full name in the given fields. Do as directed and submit your feedback by clicking on the right arrow

You will receive a 4-digit validation code as soon as you submit your feedback. Please make sure you write it down so you don’t lose it. 

Amazing! You are now skilled enough to take the White Castel Survey and win the gift coupon. 

White Castel Customer Support Details

If you get stuck while taking the White Castel Survey, don’t hesitate to contact the customer support executive at White Castel. You can also visit the support website if you wish to give feedback regarding your website and restaurant experience at White Castel.

Please refer to the White Castel customer support information given below – 

White Castel Home Office Contact Number: 1 (800) 843-2728

Postal Address: 555 Edgar Waldo Way, Columbus, Ohio 43215

Email ID: Accessibility@whitecastle.com 

Customer Support Website: https://www.whitecastle.com/contact-us

Read Also: Publix Survey at www.publixsurvey.com -Win $1,000 Gift Card

Wrap Up

And that’s a wrap! You now know how to take the White Castel Guest Survey found at , www.whitecastle.com/survey its terms and conditions, and all things you require, plus the survey rewards you will receive after completing the White Castel survey. 

If you liked the White Castel survey and wish to win more rewards like this, you may visit https://www.whitecastle.com/white-castle-turns-100

Make sure you haven’t missed any critical detail mentioned in the article above, and please get in touch with the customer support office in case you face any errors or have any queries. 

Janvi Patel